
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bohemian Coachella fringe crochet vest for summer

Check out the Bohemian Coachella fringe crochet vest for summer! It's a  free pattern and won’t cost you to use. 
To get the free patterns, just click the bolded link or the photo of the pattern.
Image of Bohemian Coachella fringe crochet vest for summer of love
If you try this pattern, let us know! Leave a comment, rate it, and don’t forget to pin it on pinterest so we can see what you come up with. Cheers, friends!


  1. this does not lead to pattern- Help!!!

  2. Please take my photo down. U had no permission. It was for sale on my site. No pattern. I'm getting hundreds of people emailing me for some pattern. That's my gold hanger my husband bought me in Paris and my necklace my friend Kevin hand made. Take your own photos. That is copyright infringement take down asap I will be reporting you if it's not taken off

    1. its very unfair that ppl steal your photo ..sorry to hear this person did this

  3. It would appear that you are both a liar and thief as you posted this pic without permission...rather a nasty thing to do
